Ella Weggen

Global health advocate

“I think it is unbearable that some medicines are out of reach for patients, due to the fact that the prices are too high. In my work as global health advocate at Wemos, I strive to raise awareness about this among politicians and decision makers to initiate change.”

As senior global health advocate, Ella focuses on the realization of equitable access to affordable medicines and other medical technologies worldwide.

Currently, Ella coordinates the international consortium Covid-19 Innovations for All (CIFA), that encourages the sharing of intellectual property rights, know-how and technology needed for the production of medical products against Covid-19, such as vaccines and medicines. CIFA’s goal is maximization of the production capacity of these products, so everyone in the world gets equal access to them. This is vital in ending the corona pandemic.

Ella has extended experience in influencing policy of the Dutch government, the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO) on global health issues. She also worked at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an intern, and at the Political Affairs department of Amnesty International in the Netherlands. Thanks to her experience at the European Parliament in Brussels, she has extensive knowledge of how (EU level) politics work. Ella studied Political Science and Public International Law in Amsterdam.

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