Ending HIV by realising Universal Health Coverage

27/9/2019 - News

In our advocacy for more and better financing for health, we find it important that the call for adequately funding Universal Health Coverage (UHC) takes on board the lessons learned on funding for HIV. Therefore, Wemos worked together with STOPAIDS members, allies and partners on this factsheet on UHC and HIV, which was disseminated at the High-Level Meeting on UHC earlier this week.

The factsheet identifies six key thematic building blocks of the HIV response which Wemos believes will also underpin UHC. Within these themes, the factsheet provides an analysis of the lessons from the HIV response to help ensure that – as we work towards a world where UHC is realised – our decades-long progress towards ending AIDS is not lost, and we can finish the job of ending this disease.

Read the factsheet

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